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Intern Update from the Ministry Field

Writer: Children to LoveChildren to Love

Mia Penrose, Children to Love Romania Intern

🛬 Arrival & First Impressions

About three months ago, I moved to Bucharest, Romania to serve with Children to Love. In the beginning, I worked together with a team from Living Grace Church to support the ministry by sharing testimonies with the children, performing skits about God's mercy and forgiveness, and getting a glimpse into the impact of CTL’s work. That short time with the team made me feel excited and blessed for this opportunity to serve with the incredible team of CTL Romania and become a part of their family. Now I can say with certainty that God has placed me exactly where I need to be. While there have been challenges, there have also been countless moments of joy, connection and confirmation that this is where He has called me.

💛 Daily Life & Ministry with CTL

A typical day working as a CTL Romania staff member is packed full. Every morning we meet at 8am at the office for worship, Bible study, and prayer. This part of our morning is really special because it reminds us why we are here and who has the power to change children's lives: God. This time reminds us it's not about us or what we do but how God uses us to fulfill His purpose in these kids' lives.

After this we pack up and head to the first center of the day. This may be an orphanage, a daycare center, or the children's oncological hospital. Here we work to build meaningful relationships with the kids by first slowing down and talking, singing, and playing games with them. After this, we typically lead a Bible lesson and craft to get the kids engaged and thinking about who God is and His love for them. We then facilitate a time where the kids can ask real, meaningful questions to deepen their understanding of the Bible. After this, we head back to the office to have lunch together and get ready to go to the second and final center of the day, where we repeat the same schedule.

Working with so many different kids and being able to form meaningful relationships with them and learn parts of their stories has been so special. One of the hardest yet most meaningful realities of this work is seeing how much these children long for connection. Many have faced neglect, abandonment, or abuse and yearn for the simple things we often take for granted. Someone to listen to them, laugh with them, to remind them that they are seen and loved. While witnessing these realities is hard, it's special to know that even if it's just for a moment we can meet that need with God's help. Whether that be a hug, a genuine conversation, a prayer spoken over them, or worship songs sung around them. I think even these small things have a big impact.

Saturdays are an especially unique time when families and teenagers gather at the

ministry center - families in the mornings and teens in the afternoons. We lead games, worship, Bible study, and crafts. Witnessing God move in those conversations, seeing walls come down, and hearts open to the Gospel is incredible.

Each staff member has unique skills and personalities that they bring to the team. This is especially cool to see within the relationships of the staff and the kids. Some kids definitely have favorite staff members, and it is really sweet to see them connect on deeper levels with those they feel most comfortable around. Evidence of this is seen when one of us isn't working and we walk into the center without that person and a specific kid or multiple kids immediately ask, “Where is so and so?”, and sigh with a hint of disappointment when we tell them they aren't here today. This is a small reminder that what we do with God's help matters.

🙏 Challenges & Prayer Requests

While my journey in Romania has been an incredible blessing and adventure from the

Lord, I have also encountered challenges along the way. At times, feelings of homesickness, culture shock, and loneliness have weighed on me, and there are moments of exhaustion as I navigate cultural adjustments. I would appreciate your prayers for strength, comfort, and guidance during these times. Alongside my personal challenges, please join me in praying for the ministry of CTL Romania:

● For the children in the orphanages and centers who often feel unsafe— pray that God brings them comfort, stops any abuse, and surrounds them with His love and protection.

● For the teenagers, that they would have the courage to pursue education and seek the Lord, even when it feels difficult.

● For the CTL staff, that God would renew their energy, encourage their hearts, and fill them with His joy as they care for these precious kids.

💌 Thank You & Stay Connected

I am expectant for all that the Lord has in store in the months ahead! Thank you to everyone who lent prayers, encouragement, and support—this journey wouldn’t be the same without you.


Mia Penrose

If you would like to sign up to receive updates from Mia during her time interning at Children to Love Romania, email us at




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P.O. Box 9575

Bakersfield, CA 93389



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